Groen Coaching - approach and methodology
Groen Search bemiddelt commerciële/staf en eindverantwoordelijke functies in Technology, Industrie, Entertainment, FMCG en Professional Services.
Frédérique Groen-Dudok de Wit, Search|Coaching, Executive search, Coach, Coaching, Loopbaan- en ontwikkelingscoach, Carriere, Baan, Technology, Industrie, Entertainment, FMCG, Professional Services, Commercieel, Eindverantwoordelijk
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Groen coaching


I believe in utilizing the principles of positive psychology, solution-focused techniques, and maintaining a forward-looking perspective. By leveraging these approaches, I help clients navigate their career paths, whether they are looking to make a transition, explore new opportunities, or excel in their current roles. My coaching process encompasses both personal development and a practical component, where I prepare individuals to find the job that truly aligns with their aspirations, while increasing their chances of success during the application and interview process.


In my coaching practice, I firmly believe in the power of humor and maintaining a non-judgmental stance. I create a safe and accepting space where you can freely explore your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations without fear of criticism. With a keen attentiveness and curious mindset, I listen deeply to your unique experiences and perspectives, allowing us to uncover valuable insights and discover new possibilities. While being compassionate and supportive, I also bring a decisive approach that gently challenges limiting beliefs and behaviors, guiding you towards personal and professional growth.

I would describe myself as business-oriented, with a genuine concern for the individual’s well-being.